Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Recycling Awareness

Recycling is a very good thing that we as people should take into consideration.Recycling helps the community in many ways and if more people took the time and patience to simply put their recyclables where it's needed there wouldn't be such a problem. Recycling not only affects us as people but it affects the wildlife and the ecosystem. Learnin about the 4R's throughout these past couple of weeks has been an inspiration. I learned a lot of interesting facts on how to help and not hurt my backyard community.
Recycling at school has now become a big interest to me. I try and make sure if have anything that can be recycled that I would usually throw away finds its way to a recycle bin. Recycling and reusing at T-High has actually got better I see a lot more people putting things in the trash(even though it could be recycled) instead of on the ground. Also, there are a lot more teachers that now have recycling bins for students in their classrooms.